Highlights of European Cinema – 3/7/2015

Hi followers!

We hope March is treating you well. You might be in East Coast still suffering through the snow, or you can be in California enjoying the sun and pretending you went through a really though the winter. Either way there is one thing we all enjoy to do; through the heat and the cold and that it is watching movies. As there are so many options to choose from in Eurocinema, we would like to dedicate this moment to show some options from the array of Eurocinema.

Cloud 9(2008)


This extraordinary movie shows how there is no such thing as an age limitation for love. It will show you no matter how old one is, or how inevitable love seems to reach, if one wants to reach the true love, he will achieve it. This romantic drama about a woman who enters into an affair after 30 years of marriage will definitely make you questions something in your life.

Mesrine Killer Instinct (2008)

Not feeling the romantic mood? Mesrine Killer Instinct might be the one for you. As this movie is about french gangster Jacques Mesrine, before he was called Public Enemy N°1, it will sure get your adrenaline up. Still not convinced? Maybe knowing that it is starring Vincent Cassel, who you might know from Hollywood hits Black Swan, Ocean 12 might persuade you. Maybe the fact that it got 7,6 on IMDB will. All in all, this is a must watch for sure.


He Loves me, He Loves Me Not (2002)

Valentine’s Day might be a month away, but you might still feel that heartache that you spent it alone or your significant other did not get the gift you wanted. What better way to cure that heartache with a romantic movie dipped in a thriller? Audrey Tautou, who you might know as Amelie shows a darker side of her when she portrays the character of Angelique. As she plays a young woman who is in love with a married doctor, the audience is able to see her transition from the innocent young lady to the dangerous side of her.


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